Sunday, August 28, 2011

Burnin---' S.u.n. f.l.o.w.e.R

ocean of shifting symmetries. butter fly by me
parallel realities, scorching desert sands, infested by collapsing rains
that sprout that rose of truth
among all those grains of sands
lost in time
lost where I was, with you
all those pages we’ve written for one another...... are quickly tucked underneath our covers. excited we forget, sink into blue waters of yellow dreams, and by the morning our childish desires renewed with a fresh steam. I keep the flame of writing alive, by feeding the fire my work, for the passion to exist and burn within the dark eyes of night. Where it goes after ashes blend with sand....i do not know. But what I know is they always return.
these pages, stories me and you blush upon, eye's widen, and all matter of heart suddenly becomes serious….shall we tango, to the song we have written and forgot to sing? The walk we have stripped of pride and ego we emasculated with a smile, spinning all into a glorious dance of laughter and forgetting. unanswered by the strangest stranger of all things strange. arrange my steps. trapeze down paved paths we call streets by names mispronounced, on lonely continents....their plates shifting, hands of lands intertwining, beneath the surface of off things that seem.
Twin to my soul. You walk not to far behind. I am not always aware you’re there....its the credit you are teaching me to take, without doubting what’s mine, is already yours.
She snuggles into my shoulder, and releases all passions, left victims of their own burning flame of power, resting like yellow seeds, against the black petals ......of a gloriously.....burning .......sun-flower.

1 comment:

  1. Interjections are merged together to find unity in the bipolar minds of surrounding gray shadows.
    ..................good readings, thank you for your existence!
