Tuesday, November 27, 2012


I am standing in front of this blue pulsating penis of a CN Tower. Waiting for the hot dog man to cook my hot dog in the cold, when all of a sudden I realize this man is burning my hot dog on purpose, as he is enjoying watching me shiver in the cold, as he pocks and prods my poor hot dog, with his toothless smile. “You have Facebook>?” ...The hot dog man...did not just ask me for my Facebook...” No...I don’t use, unfortunately..” “ Ahh, okay, where you from?” He continues.....I really want snatch my hot dog and leave. “Far away i reply.” Where you from, I am from Trakajakistan! I come here 12 years ago!” And really, still half a word of english, I think to myself. ”I live right here”...he point to some distant point beyond a garbage can. I loose the desire to look further. “Oh wow....it’s getting quite Krisspy!” I say. He finally picks the poor meat up, and hands it to me, smoldered in a nice thick layer of greasy ash. Faaaaa....

Okay. I am starving after my tango class, and eat in anyway. My subway is jammed for like 15 minutes. As if finally roles around, a heavenly light erupts from the tunnel. The doors open, I walk in to find some of the strangest assortment of people i have seen in my life. A group of black girls, who claimed they were from Eglington, where rapping into their “Kamera Fonees Biatch!” video recording Everyone, including my pretty pissed off face, and their poor friend who seemed confused by her friends, cuddled up in the corner beside me. When i got off at St. George to switch lines, the next group of enjoyable voyagers I got stuck with was 4 fresh off the boat, Spanish women....and this is when i thought...there are really some matters, that are not so important becoming upset about, when speeding through underground in a subway cart....like weather Robert should marry Maria, or let Lucita’s “hijo” Pedrito...do the job! Grrr...... They got off an Lansdowne, and the rest of the ride was quite enjoyable....it truly was a beautiful night. Climbing the last stairs out of the subway, i see a man standing with a notebook up to his face, bags fallen at his feet, possibly scribbling down the greatest epiphany of his life, with such vigor. What a turn on!

Pushing my way through the metallic exit. I see 2 prostitutes squeeze in with one coin...successfully. Ass to ass, fishnet tights....that was quite entertaining.... and the last but not least event i experienced of course my fathers first question when I walked in that car....” Where were you all this time? You don’t tell me where you go! ” First of all- False! Tango Tuesdays! Second of all.....you really have No Idea!”

For Ali- a 45 minute snippet of my day.

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