Friday, March 28, 2014

Reincanation of the Past

It is my third day into Cuba. I am lying on the beach and remembering my life 4 years ago, when I was in exactly the same hotel. Just having a completely different experience. I was young, and my future, my soul was always looking forward. When I got back home, I made a wish to return to Cuba, on something more important, then a vacation. Maybe some sort of project. 1 hour before handing in my last assignment for high school, 4 months later, I get a call from my partner, letting me know we are going down to Cuba, to plan a never before attempted Music Festival and Concert on the island. Is this in the form, that my wish was to come true? I didn't know.

Over the next two years, we would meet people who have been working all over the world on their own passions. From business moguls, to celebrity's. Doesn't matter who they were, it seems like they had " a higher faith, and belief" in what they were doing. It's been 4 years since that time, and I was kind of only left with flashbacks of experiences. My own attempts painful canceled out, by those that did not want to follow the same path with me. Now I was on my own, freshly building something, from the experiential scrapes of my nature.

The truth is, that you don't know what will work, and what won't. You have to trust, that If something hasn't happened. It's because you had something else to learn during that time. Or remain in better hands in circumstances, until you were ready to pursue, your own craft.

So I am lying on my favourite astral beach. It is 4 years since the first thoughts about Cuba enveloped. Since that time, i've finished high school, started university, gotten out of it, visited a 30 million dollar home, went to Havana, went back to school, got out again. Went back to Cuba, took up dance, left dance, went to Spain, got back from Spain, took up art and guitar, half a year later, integrated with dance, psychology, and natural healing. And still thinking where the hell film went? With all of this.  Maybe that will be my last stability. Amongst passions of instability, that like to dance with each other, and progress at their own times, through my future.

A woman, I love to write about, is Eva Green. I am still on this beach, having these thoughts. I reach for my moms bag, and pull out a Russian cover with her article inside again. My inside's glow with the youthful remembrances of a 16 year old girl, that only knew how to look ahead. I left the beach, and went to the restaurant to order a pizza, the same chair I was sitting in 4 years ago. I contemplated time and its grand piano in the sky. I rebirthered myself in that moment. With this thought. Who you were, can always be of use to you. You just have to know how to pull out the right parts, to save you at the most helpless moments. That are just part of your journey. For the future is not linear, and happiness, is a coordination, of all of the above and below.

Somehow you being the centre point, of what you always want more of. And less of...and the Same. Damn. Time>>.

Film?>>> Where are You?

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