Monday, April 26, 2010

Flexibility + Laws = Disastrous Consequences?

Having unenforced laws brings lots flexibility into the justice system, and into the Accumbens Nucleus of society’s brain. By flexibility I mean, we would all be bending our values, chopping them up to pieces and reorganizing them to suit our own individual needs. There would be more room for ego, and less room for thoughtfulness.

Society needs order. Humans just as animals possess a conscious need to find, build and settle down in a safe environment, where everyone knows each other’s territory and boundaries. Without realizing the need for structure and its advantages, we would be living in a barbaric society and women would still be victims of everyone’s faults.

People also like specifics. When something is clearly specified, it is easier followed. So yes, we might have many laws in Canada, and many more to come. But this only means that we are taking care of inconveniences that are quickly arising, and keeping up with Hectic Canadian Times!

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