Wednesday, June 16, 2010

17-year-old Brazilian girl admits killing 30 men

Charge: being transferred to a Juvenile hall in her city of residency

A Brazilian teenager ( who is too young to be named) admitted having stabbed to death 30 men in four different states. The 17-year-old girl confessed after being arrested during a street fight in Sao José de Rio Preto (Sao Paolo province)."I don't have enough courage to hold a gun, but I can hold a knife," she said. "I am confessing because I promised I would do so before becoming 18, to avoid upsetting my family," she told the police officers who arrested her.
According to the police, she confessed now to avoid being prosecuted as an adult.She said she started killing when she was 15. After she admitted those crimes, the police started checking registered murders. She killed all of them with the same knife, as she later stated for "money, revenge and for bringing justice."The police suspects she was contracted by criminal organizations. She will be transferred to the Aparecida Do Taboado juvenile hall, her city of residency.

E.S- usually 3rd times a charm. But for this particular girl it is 3 x 10! Jail for at least 10 years, and Bible studies everyday! Maybe she’ll realize that killing is not a sport, but actually BAAAAAD, and is frowned upon in society weather you are over 18 or not.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

6 simple ways to fight of tiredness NATURALLY

We all get tired eventually. Weather we had a busy day at work, extremely slow day at school, or a moderately enjoyable Sunday afternoon, where do our bodies end up dragging us? That would be to something warm and comfortable, and preferably in some place peaceful and quite to rest our minds. A.K.A sleep.

Sleep tight
Nothing is more enjoyable or healthier or more memorable or more meaningful than a solid night of sleep. Not only is sleep restorative to one’s vitality and mind but it is also critical to the proper functioning of organs such as the liver, which performs most of its detoxification as night......while you sleep. What happens when this activity is suppressed? Elevated cholesterol along with blood pressure, mood disorders, digestive problems, suppressed immunity, and the list just goes on. So yet your necessary 8 hours, and restore your ying with your yang!

--- Recently new studied herb that enhances physical energy while also boosting mental alertness. Best source of Cineole is Cardamom. Can be mixed into tea with other herbs, also known for it pleasant aromatic, and therapeutic scent.

This one is a bit of an “obvi”, but nevertheless true. Alcohal is a strong depressant and can leave you dragging.......with FIFA, summer vacation, and other reasons people get together to drink, it doesn’t hurt to keep track of how too much....4 U!

More Greens---Lets fats
Bottom line here, fats are harder to digest, so you body has to work harder to metabolize them. That effort reduces your energy for other things

Exercising when you’re tired?
May sound like the craziest idea in the world! But seriously GET SOME AIR. It may be tiring to push yourself, but even a pleasant walk is more likely to reduce your fatigue than aggravate it.

Still bored? Maybe you’re stuck?
And by stuck I mean, stuck in the same routine. Choose one hour a day learn something new. Now this might seem too much for most of us, but when people get stuck in the same routine for too long, we naturally get bored. Take that one hour to cook something special, plan a project you with to undertake in the future, learn a language,socialize with your friends, or just take your dog out for a stroll.
Only you can take care of you, because in the end, it’s you who suffers the consequences of rebellion against nature, not someone else who may be better adapted to the same environment.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The most frightening mass media target! TEEN GIRLS

Girls Resisting Sexual Stereotyping - survey results - Brief Article
USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education), August, 2000

Women are always being stereotyped more harshly than men. This article talks about a survey of 1,000 girls from grades 3 to 12 conducted by Harris Interactive, Inc. Through-out the article there is an almost fifty-fifty percentage outcome for almost every “finding” such as:

52% of girls said that people think girls are only interested in love and romance; 59% said that girls are told not to brag about things they do well; 65% said that girls are expected to spend a lot of their time on housework and taking care of younger children; and 62% said that, in school, boys think they have a right to discuss girls' bodies in public.”

This survey was conducted a decade ago, and I now believe that through movies, songs, television programs, radio, and media in general- for some girls it either got a LOT easier or a LOT harder to accept themselves. Depending on the type of personality the girl has built during the early stages of her life, it will determine how she views her own actions, and treats the people around her. It is all about having a positive & strong attitude towards life, but accepting the inevitable......that there will always be someone richer, poorer, prettier, blonder, darker, lighter, taller, shortet....etc. then you. But if you have a goal, there should be absolutely no reason for you not to try and get what you want out of life!

Teen Media Manipulation The most frightening mass media target!

Why are teens so easily manipulated? Is it because they are still building their identity? Because they want to always look good, and appealing to others? Or is it because their parents aren’t there to guide them in the right direction, and be the number one influence in their teen’s life? How about all of the above?
If makes sense when you are still growing up that you don’t know exactly what you like, what habits you want to carry in the long term, and the consequences you have to pay for every step you take. try on every type of outfit, experiment with every colour of make-up, dance to every tune, drink as many brands as popular, and smoke until you have ash coming out of your nostrils! You see people doing all these things in movies, magazines,videos....but what we fail as teenagers to sometimes realize soon enough is that first off, not everyone likes to live the “high” life, not everyone can go to a bar every other day, and some people have never stepped foot into a club, or held a cigarette between their fingers. These glamorous moments that you sometimes see through media outlets are just snap-shots of products they want you to fall in love with. And become a slave to your own addiction if you do not learn from the start that “what you see, is never exactly what you get.....sometimes it’s a LOT better, and other times it’s a LOT worse!

Sunday, May 30, 2010

What is going on Ontario?

Here is an update on all the remains found in Ontario. :0

1) Body remains encased in concrete found in the Toronto Harbour in a metal barrel

Quang Lu, a 47-year-old man, also goes by the name Black Ghost. He lived in Thornhill and travelled to China frequently. Upon returning from one of his journey’s on October.26,2007, he was spotted one last time by a family friend and then vanished.

What? Why?
Detective Hank Idsinga of the Toronto Police Homicide Squad say’s he had ties to Asian organized crime and was reportedly the largest loan shark in and around the Niagara Falls casino. He lived a very “high risk lifestyle.” “When the casinos opened, the sharks moved from Chinatown to the casinos, and Lu made millions this way. They wanted him dead 20 years ago!” a source said.

Where? When?
Police divers found the 45-gallon barrel- encrusted in cement- early Sunday morning (may 23, 2010) , and fished it out at near the foot of Jarvis Street, in the midst of one of the city's most popular destinations on Lake Ontario. Investigators said the body was retrieved from about seven metres of water close to shore just off the construction site for Canada's Sugar Beach.

Toronto Police are tight-lipped concerning the tip that led the Marine Unit and homicide detectives to 125 Queen’s Quay East to locate a body placed in Lake Ontario this morning.Vander Heyden told reporters he’d received a tip early in the morning. “It’s my belief that there’s a victim of a murder encased in concrete within that barrel.”

2)Body remains found in Oro-Medonte Township, Simcoe County and in Lake of Bays near Huntsville.

Human remains found in two communities north of Toronto belong to the same man. The discoveries were made hours apart by two different people out for a walk. There is more than 100 kilometres between the two locations.
“We don’t have any confirmed identification,” he added. “We are certainly cross referencing with a lot of police services in southern and central Ontario.”

Where? When?
The OPP said one part of the victim's body was found in Oro-Medonte Township, early Saturday morning. On Saturday afternoon, another part of the man's body was found more than 130 kilometres away in Lake of Bays Township.

The first discovery in Oro-Medonte Township was made by an area resident while walking just after 8 a.m on a partially developed portion of a subdivision. “The human remains were actually left on the side of the road,” said Leon. “There was no attempt to hide them. I think they were left there to be found.”

Later that day, at around 4:30 p.m., another person walking in Lake of Bays Township made the second discovery in the ditch.

“We don’t have any confirmed identification,” he added. “We are certainly cross referencing with a lot of police services in southern and central Ontario.”

Hope everything gets cleared up soon. It weird though how both incidents happened around the long weekend....shriek!!!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Japa Mala

Japa Mala is a set of beads commonly used by Hindus and Buddhists, usually made from 108 beads, sometimes other numbers but usually divisible by 9
Malas are used for keeping count while reciting, chanting, or mentally repeating a mantra or the name or names of a deity.

A mantra is group of words chanted that have special spiritual powers to transform consciousness, promote healing, and fulfill desires. This practice is known in Sanskrit as Japa. Malas are typically made with 19, 21, 27, 54 or 108 beads.

There are six senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and consciousness) multiplied by three reactions (positive, negative, or indifference) making 18 "feelings." Each of these feelings can be either "attached to pleasure or detached from pleasure" making 36 "passions", each of which may be manifested in the past, present, or future.

Chanting has been used to reconnect with the "Supreme Self" for thousands of years. It is a tool that has been used in every culture and religion, though they vary in form, words, and which deity you worship, this just proves that no matter which path you decide to take or have taken, they all lead you to a state of calmness, awareness, and eternal happiness.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How computers DON'T make our kids stupid.

Based on an article by Macleans.

“There's growing evidence that too much cyber-time dumbs down our children”
Freeman's convinced that computers help students master the alphabet, reading and writing more quickly than they would in a tech-free environment. "Pretty well all the kids really like it," she notes, "so they're motivated to learn."

My baby brother is only 5 years old, and he's already playing computer games that help him master the alphabet,and coordinate numbers with colors, words, letters and sounds. I still read to him at night, and correct the slang he learns from Family Guy. But he very excited when he gets to play on the computer, and the expression on his face when he completes a level is price-less.

There is no harm in buying your child a computer. They eventually learn how to manage their time between homework and social networking. Both bring your child informative information weather it is good or bad. But a computer will also not determine their perseverance to complete the school work. If the child wants to study they WILL study, the internet only provides them with extra information and contradicting points of view that helps them complete their work with superb creativity.

"I would suggest that for the reading literacy of nine-year-olds, very frequent computer use at school could have a more severe effect, since the learning of reading requires a lot of interaction between teachers and students." "But we are for introducing important technologies at the right time in the development of children."

I completely agree with this. When you are younger you need to build writing skills, reading skills, and listening skills. These are basic component for human knowledge, and only helps you progress faster than your other peers in life, if you master them earlier on.

"There's always something to take kids away from studying. Thirty years ago, at universities, it was “bridge."

Kids will always look for an alternative to education. All they want is lasting interactions with their teachers, so they can feel like they won’t be rejected if they come and ask them for help with their studies. Now days it is a lot harder to achieve, and this is why we reach out to social networks, gaming networks, and our friends. Because all of us want to feel a part of something meaningful, and bigger!

Petra Nemcova teaching Haitian children how to use the computer.

Dream City - Loving You (Robaco Bossá Remix)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Do you have to MAKE your child go to school?

Based on an article I've recently read, 1 out of 4 kids refuse to go to school. Some blame it on a misplaced pimple in the morning, others complain about their teachers, the :mean girls", the awkward lunch lady, or the intimidating vice- principle. Sometimes the occasional quiz comes up or they blame it on a terrible (hair-dryer induced) headache, or blush powdered inflamed cheeks; but when you start to notice a pattern in your child’s “refusal to go to school” behavior, it’s time to start doing some serious thinking.

School phobia, is now being categorized as an anxiety-based disorder. Sometimes it is hard to tell the difference between your child constantly lying or constantly telling the truth but there is a difference between “school refusal” and “school refusal behavior.” When your child goes to school but ditches class to go hang-out with friends, it is categorized as School Refusal Behavior.But when your child goes to school, and then leaves for the house in an hour, or simply doesn’t go at all; this is a sign of School Refusal or another way of putting it ""anxiety-based absenteeism."".

Understanding your child is crucial in this situation. Because kids are not as verbal, sometimes too vague, and still can't always interpret their emotions clearly enough to help themselves, you will need to get help for them. Such behavior can take a drastic toll on your career and on family affairs.
Here are a few things Amanda Morin and I find crucial in the process on helping your child understand their fear and emotions.

1) Investigate what is going on in the school. Make sure you child has a comfortable and open relationship with you in the first place, if this is not true then you have bigger problems to worry about.

2) Check if the school cares about your child. Contact other parents and ask them what their children tell them about their experiences at school. If many children encounter the same problem with the same boy/girl or maybe teacher, then that just simplifies the problem and the time it would take not to have done that otherwise.

3) After you have found and solved the problem, try to get your child back into school slowly. If they still can’t sit through the whole day, try encouraging them for half. Give them time to adjust, and start trusting their environment again, if they are still uncomfortable or suffer from high anxiety or other problems, it might be time to start looking for alternatives.

4) As I mentioned before, a child who does not want to leave the house, and does not want to interact with other children might have his mind set on something else. Now, I am not saying that there aren’t geniuses for who school is gruesome to sit through and they prefer to stay at home and start working on their own mural, or solving one of Einstein’s theories, but the case is that many kids are depressed, uncomfortable and simply unhappy in the environment they were put in.

5) SO make staying at home more tedious then going to school. Take away video games, limit food, music, television, and other conveniences. If they start to rebel- hand them a book, if they rip the book -it’s time to start saving up for psychiatrist.

6) If you have free time take the opportunity to reconnect or connect deeper with your child. These moments are very important. They might just secretly miss you and what to be around you as much as possible :)

-HTH ( Hope This Helped )

Monday, April 26, 2010

Flexibility + Laws = Disastrous Consequences?

Having unenforced laws brings lots flexibility into the justice system, and into the Accumbens Nucleus of society’s brain. By flexibility I mean, we would all be bending our values, chopping them up to pieces and reorganizing them to suit our own individual needs. There would be more room for ego, and less room for thoughtfulness.

Society needs order. Humans just as animals possess a conscious need to find, build and settle down in a safe environment, where everyone knows each other’s territory and boundaries. Without realizing the need for structure and its advantages, we would be living in a barbaric society and women would still be victims of everyone’s faults.

People also like specifics. When something is clearly specified, it is easier followed. So yes, we might have many laws in Canada, and many more to come. But this only means that we are taking care of inconveniences that are quickly arising, and keeping up with Hectic Canadian Times!

Expressionology? O........

Okay, I will have to admit that that "O" is just a sound effect, an extra letter I used to decorate this creature of mine, this eternal never ending, but ever soo confusing and mesmerizing divinity I called EXPRESSIONOLOGY.

Hobo’s Definition:

Expressionology- the study of the imagination, the immeasurable potential living things posses to think, remember, and bring to life what they have dreamed of creating; the capability to vividly transmit personal moods and ideas, thoughts, beliefs, and incredulity. The study of how unique every creature/”earthling” is and where we get our power, energy , and inspiration that drives us forward in life. We may not understand who we are or why we’re here. But the idea of studying something that can never fully be studied is exciting. This study is controversial, never ending, but always surprising, and ever mesmerizing!
Throughout my HOBO’S blog Expressionolgy will always be present. Watching and helping me get you through my blog 